Advent 2010, Week 4, Day 2

Some Thoughts on God’s Love

Søren Kierkegaard

This is all I have known for certain, that God is love. Even if I have been mistaken about this or that point, God is nevertheless love. If I have made a mistake it will be plain enough; so I repent – and God is love. He is love – not he was love, nor he will be love, oh no, even that future is too slow for me – he is love. Oh, how wonderful! Sometimes, perhaps, my repentance does not come at once, and so there is a future. But God keeps no person waiting, for he is love. Like spring-water which keeps the same temperature summer and winter – so is God’s love. His love is a spring that never runs dry.

Oh, marvelous omnipotence of love! But God who creates out of nothing, who almightily takes from nothing and says, ‘Be,’ lovingly adjoins, ‘Be something even in opposition to me.’ Marvelous love, even his omnipotence is under the sway of love.

Oh, our loving Father, help us to remember that it is not where we breathe, but where we love, that we live.